Mindful Hack #90

I would love to be able to open with “I hope this note finds you well,” but I know that many are feeling the weight of the most recent catastrophe(s) and all the fear and uncertainty that have begun anew. I’ve also noticed that there’s a sense of helplessness in the belief that there’s nothing we can do about the state of the world. 
But that simply isn’t true. 
We aren’t just passive visitors here in this life, we are the creators of our reality. Granted, there’s not likely a single person among us that can stop the violence and destruction “over there,” but each one of us can influence what goes on right here in our own personal lives and all the lives we touch.
Compassion and kindness are what the world needs, and they’re ours to give. A word of appreciation. A loving gesture. An act of forgiveness. None of these things cost us a cent yet think of the value they have - for those who receive them, but even more for those who give. 
We can protest. We can rally. We can donate. But we can also show up a better version of ourselves for everyone we encounter in our day, and I’m willing to bet that has the same effect as tossing a stone in a puddle. You get the metaphor.
In every gesture and interaction with others, we have a choice – tear down or build up. I hope for a mindful (and loving) choice for all our sakes.

Mindfully yours,



Mindful Hack #91


Mindful Hack #89