Mindful Hack #103

I feel tired today. Which, for me, means I’m slower than usual and maybe a little glum. It’s a sharp contrast compared to how I felt yesterday – full of energy, inspired, optimistic. What changed? No idea.

Rather than spending too much time analyzing or trying to “fix” it, I’m just going to lean into whatever is here for me now and not make it worse by resisting (or judging). In fact, I appreciate that this is life. Life is full of dichotomies – highs and lows, ups and downs, wins and losses, good days, and bad days and so on.

Imagine how boring life would be if it were always the same. Would we be able to appreciate or feel grateful for anything at all in the absence of contrasts? Given how easily we take things for granted, I don’t think we would. I know I appreciate food far more when I’m hungry and I totally take for granted breathing through my nose until I have a cold.

The only thing we can be certain of is change (well, and death and taxes), and it serves us in any given moment to know and accept that. Being mindful that everything changes allows us to move through tougher times with more ease and better times with more gratitude. Win-win 😊

Mindfully yours,



Mindful Hack #104


Mindful Hack #102